Nino Andreatta’s Economic Thought
Enrico Letta introduces Luca Sandonà’s original collection of three independent but complementary papers on Nino Andreatta’s economic thought.
by Enrico Letta
Chapter 1. The Economist
1. Introduction
2. A Biographical Profile
3. Historical Roots
4. Post-Keynesian Methodology
5. Income Distribution Theory
6. Monetary Theory
7. Conclusion
Chapter 2. The Policymaker
1. Introduction
2. State interventionism (1963-78)
3. The market-oriented economy (1979-93)
4. The third way (1994-99)
5. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Romano Prodi’s Witness
Appendix 1. Statistical Data
• G.D.P. and Public Debt of Italy in millions of euro (2011), 1945-2011
• The inflation rate of Italy and other developed countries, 1971-2011
• Expenses, revenues and Italian public debt, 1945-2011
Appendix 2. The Andreatta – van Miert Agreement, July 27, 1993
• EFIM – guarantee for total debts
Appendix 3. Privatisation of Italian state-owned enterprises
• Privatisations in Italy, 1985-2009
• Principal state-owned enterprises involved in the process of privatisation in Italy, 1989-2002
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